How to stay safe
How To Stay Safe Online
Keeping passwords, financial information and personal information safe in a digital world is an increasingly difficult task for both individuals and businesses. Sophisticated cyber attacks are becoming more and more common, with scammers and hackers often targeting vulnerable individuals. So, we’ve put together a list detailing how to stay safe
1. Make Your Passwords Unique
Password security is probably one of the most obvious ways to safeguard your personal information, and one of the most effective too. Email accounts are often the gateway to a person’s other online services, including online banking and social media accounts, so a hacked email account could end up leading to identity theft!
One of the best ways to prevent this from happening is to create a unique and difficult-to-guess password for your email account. You can even update this on a regular basis.
All online accounts should have their own unique passwords and should not be sharing the same one, that way, if one of your accounts is compromised then it should be limited to the one account.
If you’re struggling to think of unique passwords, you can always use a password generator. Password generators will randomly generate a combination of letters, numbers and symbols to ensure the continued integrity of your accounts.
Find out more about password tips and tricks in our previous blog.
2. Backup Your Data
If you store data on a local device, then it’s wise to use a hosted data backup service in case your hardware is compromised. This approach can help to prevent ransomware – a type of attack where hackers hold your data hostage in return for money – meaning you won’t have to worry about paying cybercriminals to unlock your encrypted files.